Our Attorneys Provide the Following Services:

  • Breach of Contract
  • Deceptive Trade Practices
  • Tortious Interference
  • Legal Malpractice Claims
  • Disputes Between Partners
  • Real Estate Disputes
  • Construction Disputes
  • Insurance Disputes
  • Life Insurance Denials
  • Other Professional Liability Claims

In the business world, our civil justice system can be an equalizer when a small business is unfairly disadvantaged by a large business. At Scheuerman Law Firm, PPLC, we have the expertise and resources to stand up to any opponent, regardless of size, and successfully navigate our clients through their business litigation matters. Legal issues and potential litigation are an inherit part of business. It's not whether you will ever need a good attorney, but instead when you will need one. We understand the needs and concerns that business owners have in forming, building, and preserving their companies.

And we are ready and willing to try your case in a courtroom if that is the best option for your situation. We are experienced in commercial and residential real estate litigation. Whether the real estate market is up or down, there are constant disputes over real property. Property owners typically go to the attorney who prepared the real estate documents, but that attorney often has little to no experience in real estate litigation. At Scheuerman Law Firm, PLLC, we have successfully prosecuted and defended both commercial and residential real estate claims. We are flexible in our fee structures, and can provide business litigation services through an hourly rate, a contingency fee arrangement, or an agreed upon hybrid fee structure.

We work with our clients to provide legal services in an efficient and affordable manner. Larger law firms providing business litigation services often use inexperienced junior associates to handle the legal work and then have a senior partner step in at the end of the case. That model is profitable for the large law firm, but rarely serves the best interest of the client. That's not how it works at Scheuerman Law Firm, PLLC. All aspects of your case will be handled by attorneys with more than 30 years of experience in business litigation. This results in lower legal costs and ultimately better outcomes. Contact us today to discuss your potential business and/or real estate litigation matter.

Contact Us

Hella and client facing eachother
Breach of Contract

Breach of Contract

Contracts are the foundation of many business relationships, from vendor agreements to service contracts.

Tyler showing client paperwork
Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

A fiduciary duty exists when one party is legally obligated to act in the best interests of another. This is of critical importance in business relationships.

Tyler in suit
Insurance Disputes

Insurance Disputes

Insurance is essential for a business to protect assets, manage risks, and ensure continuity. 

man leaning against big window
Business Entity Disputes

Business Entity Disputes

Legal challenges are virtually inevitable when you are running a business.

Hella listening to her client
Trade Secrets

Trade Secrets

Trade secrets can be the lifeblood of a company in today’s competitive business environment. 

woman with her thumb near her mouth looking to the right
Deceptive Trade Practices

Deceptive Trade Practices

In business, deceptive trade practices can cause financial harm, damage a company’s reputation, and cause long-term legal consequences.

Tyler and Hella with client looking at forms
Legal Malpractice Claims

Legal Malpractice Claims

Legal malpractice can result in financial loss and a sense of betrayal for those who depend on attorneys to protect their rights and interests.

Tyler showing client information
Life Insurance Denials

Life Insurance Denials

Legal malpractice can result in financial loss and a sense of betrayal for those who depend on attorneys to protect their rights and interests.

Attorneys sitting together at table
Disputes Between Partners

Disputes Between Partners

Business partnerships are formed when individuals combine their talents and finances.

Tyler sitting and speaking to client
Real Estate Disputes

Real Estate Disputes

Real estate disputes often involve multiple parties, substantial financial interests, and complicated regulations.

Tyler and Hella showing client information on case
Other Liability

Other Liability

In business, liability comes in many forms. While some types of liability are common and well-known, such as a breach of contract or a breach of fiduciary duty, others may be less obvious, although equally significant.

Ready to Discuss Your Case?Schedule a Consultation

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