Experienced San Antonio Anesthesia Error Attorney

According to a recent study, the incidence of medication errors during general anesthesia is as high as 1.12%. The most common errors were substitution errors and incorrect dosage. If you or your loved one has suffered harm from this type of medical negligence, our experienced anesthesia error attorney in San Antonio can help.

How Do Anesthesia Errors Occur?

Mistakes can occur in the administration or management of anesthesia before, during, or after a procedure. The following are common anesthesia errors:

  • Dosage errors: One of the most common mistakes is incorrectly calculating or administering anesthesia. Underdosing can leave the patient awake and in pain during surgery. Overdosing can cause brain damage, coma, or death.
  • Improper use of equipment: Anesthesia equipment must be properly used and maintained. Misuse or malfunction of equipment can result in overdose, insufficient delivery of oxygen, and catastrophic injury to the patient. 
  • Failure to monitor vital signs: A patient’s vital signs must be closely monitored during anesthesia. Failure to observe changes in blood pressure, oxygen levels, or heart rate can lead to cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, and other severe consequences.
  • Delayed or failed intubation: Patients must be properly intubated to ensure airways remain open so breathing can continue during surgery. Delayed or incorrect intubation can cause oxygen deprivation, which can lead to brain damage or death.
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia: Some patients are allergic to anesthesia agents. Anesthesiologists have a responsibility to review the medical history of the patient for potential allergies and respond correctly if an allergic reaction occurs. Failure to do so can lead to anaphylaxis and other serious consequences.
  • Failure to provide pre-anesthesia instructions: In many cases, patients must follow specific instructions, such as fasting, before receiving anesthesia. Failure to properly communicate these instructions creates a risk of aspiration (inhaling food or liquid into the lungs) and other complications. 
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What Are the Consequences of Anesthesia Errors?

The consequences of anesthesia errors can be severe and life-altering. They may include the following conditions:

  • Brain damage: Oxygen deprivation caused by improper intubation or monitoring can lead to permanent brain damage, affecting the patient’s motor skills and cognitive abilities.
  • Cardiovascular complications: Mistakes in anesthesia dosage or monitoring can cause heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues.
  • Nerve damage: Incorrect application of local anesthesia can damage nerves, resulting in chronic pain or paralysis.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Patients who wake up during surgery may suffer long-term psychological trauma, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
  • Death: In the most tragic cases, anesthesia errors can lead to fatal outcomes.

What Must Be Proven in an Anesthesia Error Medical Malpractice Claim?

To win a medical malpractice claim for anesthesia error, the plaintiff must prove the following elements:

  • Duty of care: Medical professionals owe a duty of care to patients, which includes providing treatment that meets accepted medical standards.
  • Breach of duty of care: The plaintiff must show that the medical professional breached that duty of care by acting negligently. 
  • Causation: It must be proven that the anesthesia error directly caused the patient’s injury.
  • Damages: The plaintiff must demonstrate actual harm or losses due to the anesthesia error, such as medical expenses, pain and suffering, or loss of life.

Medical malpractice claims involving anesthesia errors can be exceptionally complex. Our experienced San Antonio anesthesia error lawyer understands the intricacies of these cases. We are committed to client success and holding negligent medical professionals accountable. Contact us if you have suffered injury or lost a loved one because of an anesthesia error. 

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